LPYAA Fall Soccer begins Tues., Aug. 27 at 5:30 p.m. $20 ages 1-4. $30 Kind.-6th Grades t-shirts $10 extra. COACHES ARE VERY MUCH NEEDED FOR PRE-K age 4, KINDERGARTEN AND 1ST/2ND GRADES.
Go to "My Account" and register your youth for baseball, softball, and t-ball!
Thank you to ALL of our Coaches, Players, and Families for making this season a huge success! Over 90 local players were involved in Basketball this season. See you next year!
Register for this year's youth basketball program!
Special thanks to Alicia Brandes for helping capture our local youth through her lens!
The LPYAA is excited to announce our plans for the 2023-2024 Basketball season!
Sara-Placid Lakers Hockey Registration Open!
Soccer registration goes live MONDAY AUGUST 14!
The LPYAA baseball fields near Lake Placid Fish & Game received a long overdue facelift this weekend!
Lake Placid Youth Athletic Association PO Box 129 Lake Placid, New York 12946
Email: [email protected]